Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Head case

A model for the fabric of the mind has been tentatively settled-on. It’s one that characterizes what’s inside my head as a 3-dimensional network of delicately connected instances of prior experience and feeling. Under ordinary circumstances, incoming sensory and verbal events produce ripples that spread out over this fabric, like stones on a pond, activating network-connections until a clear mental representation is formed. However, when something goes wrong, and there’s a disturbance in the fabric, activation may become amp’d, unfettered and diffuse ..compounding insubstantial phenomena until, what may have started out as a gentle hummingbird, for example .. becomes a ferocious beast. Sometimes I think it’s only a matter of degree between clarity and delusion ..especially when I consider how many times I mistook a perfectly innocent remark as hostility.


Marcos Freitas said...

the illusion veil (put on from birth)!
though it's pretty hard to get rid of
...once one can see without it, it becomes impossible to impose it back!
great post lee! congrats

Bill Robertson said...

glad you found it so William ..

Bill Robertson said...

Marcos ~ Indeed can definitely see more clearly without it. Thanks for reminding me.

August 26, 2009 2:33 PM