The human spirit will thrive with co-operation; Far more than with competition. So why is our society based upon competition and not co-operation?
The current economic system is based upon the masses competing with each-other for limited resources for one reason; to keep them enslaved to the system. In addition to bondage our rulers choose to keep us, in the majority, impoverished slaves. The reality is the masses have had to work harder and have had less than the few at the top since the days of the pyramids.
Economics is simply the latest word for a pyramid shaped slavery control system. Pyramid schemes and structures favor the few and control, enslave and rip off the masses. They have been using the same structure for thousands of years.
Why do you think there is a pyramid on our money with the top cut off. Money is the control system and it states their formula right in plain view for all to see.
It shows the elite at the top, and the masses at the bottom. The slave masters and the slaves.
an awful truth, wonderfully said
thats what all the great revolutionaries said.
Marx was right.
Thank you for posting my article. The rest of it can be read at
I like your site by the way. I am going to check it out fully. I have always shared your view regarding a star trek society. Roddenbery was a visionary.
All the best
Dylan Eleven
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