I'm addicted to TV
I'm a TV junkie
I dream of a Star Trek world. This think tank will focus on creative actions designed to initiate a global paradigm shift towards a world where racism, poverty and war will be a thing of the past.
"I am gross and perveted
I am completely deranged
I have existed for years
But very little has changed.
I am the tool of the government
And industry too
I was made to control and regulate you.
Have you guessed me yet?
I am the slime oozzing out from you TV set."
Frank Zappa (god bless his little soul)
. . the collective interest started by this elective community awareness administration has hyperlinked a stimulus development of com-unity programing for channels of immediate peek into meetings and events . . "to TV or Not TV" is a choice of equalizing values with the broadband it inspires . . sometimes I just use the box to monitor programing breaks . . I mostly like interviewing . . my son & I were joking about reality TV as a concept cartoon . . I am inspired by following a reference to ZAPPA . . Freak-Out was my first album . .
And what an album too.
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