Friday, February 27, 2009

Which Honour Does Obama Talk About

Which Honour Does Obama Talk About

Agha Amin

At Camp Lejeuene in the Carolinas President Obama while talking to US soldiers talked about honour.

One may ask a simple question " which honour is Obama talking about " or " where is the honour" ?

You attack a country with no air force and air defence with overwhelming forces. So there is hardly any danger to your soldiers which is well proven by your extremely low casualties! So where is the honour without the dignity of danger for which the soldiers profession is honourable?

You waste US tax payers trillions US Dollars to fight a war with no objective so where is your sanity. Was the Iraq war fought so that some private US companies can make money in construction and reconstruction contracts?

You did not go for Iraqs oil as you say. If so why you wasted trillions in Iraq? If USA had gone for the Oil in Iraq we could say , " OK there is an objective".

What USA did in Iraq neither has honour nor sanity nor logic. Its beyond logic.

And no US military or civilian leader dissented! A fine indicator of lack of intellectual honesty!

You attack a pen of chickens with overwhelming superiority so it's not correct to talk about honour!

What is the lesson that Bush and USA have taught the world. If a small country like Iraq does not have WMDs it will attacked with that strange kind of honour that Obama talks about and destroyed.

And then you have totally shameless bulky Arab kings of Saudi Arabia, UAE, Gulf, Egypt etc who buy billions of munitions for killing and controlling their own people! What a disgrace!

So there is logic in North Korea and Pakistan and even India having nukes!


goatman said...

I think that you are preaching to the choir, here!
But well said.

Strategicus said...