Our eyes are opening, as all is very unclear, there are lies, damn lies and things we may never know the truth about but what we can see, what is becoming clearer and clearer is that there is a plan, a thirst for power and you and I are not part of it! There is clearly a conspiracy that has been going on, possibly since the beginning of time, we may have been genetically engineered we are certainly being manipulated through propaganda and thought control.
We have looked and can see who are in the higher echelons of power, who has a vested interested in promoting thought control of the masses. Several families are implicated, these families are obsessed with blood lines and some, notably the Bushes’ and the Windsor’s’ are inbred to the point of idiocy, why they have inflicted this inbreeding on their own families is open to conjecture. I for one am glad that my genes come from entirely different stock!
The picture as is unfolding is hideous, huge, corrupt and nasty, it is hard to comprehend the true crimes against humanity that have been committed here, people have suffered and died, and still are, even we westerners have been lied to, stolen from, murdered, our souls, our spark of divine light has been corrupted and we have been taught to believe we are unworthy, our minds have been confused muddled and taught lies and propaganda as if it was the truth.
So let’s take a step back and holding our shock and horror down look at this as if we were not the victims of a dangerous and dirty game, lets look as if we ourselves are aliens, gods, divine beings from another place, there has been underhandedness and trickery on a scale that is hard to imagine from a sane and lucid perspective so let’s take a step back from the emotion and look coldly and clearly.
Who are the real slaves here? Who have been deprived of their humanity by a breeding programme that they have only occasionally tried to inflict upon us? Who are ruled by a psychopathic master? They have it all these families, all the money all the power, we are fooled into believing that oligarchy is democracy, drugged by the opiates of hope and by TV screens that as Orwell predicted tell us what to feel and when to feel it. But we can free our minds by an effort of will, of understanding.
We are thinking, feeling human beings, and they have weaknesses, they are scared themselves, and they have no imagination that has been bred out of them, did George W Bush have any choice himself whether to be president or not? Once he was president did he have any choice about what to say, how to act? Does he have empathy for his fellow man? Is he enslaved by a system that tries to enslave humanity?
They are clearly then not the masters of their own destiny, they have weaknesses, and one of them was clearly spoken while Bush was president
“Bush does not like black people”
Why not? Are black people harder to manipulate, more likely to form their own opinions? Is that why black people in the US have been targeted time and again by the powers that be? Maybe they have more soul, keep a tighter hold of their own divinity and can see through a lie more clearly that white people.
We have looked and can see who are in the higher echelons of power, who has a vested interested in promoting thought control of the masses. Several families are implicated, these families are obsessed with blood lines and some, notably the Bushes’ and the Windsor’s’ are inbred to the point of idiocy, why they have inflicted this inbreeding on their own families is open to conjecture. I for one am glad that my genes come from entirely different stock!
The picture as is unfolding is hideous, huge, corrupt and nasty, it is hard to comprehend the true crimes against humanity that have been committed here, people have suffered and died, and still are, even we westerners have been lied to, stolen from, murdered, our souls, our spark of divine light has been corrupted and we have been taught to believe we are unworthy, our minds have been confused muddled and taught lies and propaganda as if it was the truth.
So let’s take a step back and holding our shock and horror down look at this as if we were not the victims of a dangerous and dirty game, lets look as if we ourselves are aliens, gods, divine beings from another place, there has been underhandedness and trickery on a scale that is hard to imagine from a sane and lucid perspective so let’s take a step back from the emotion and look coldly and clearly.
Who are the real slaves here? Who have been deprived of their humanity by a breeding programme that they have only occasionally tried to inflict upon us? Who are ruled by a psychopathic master? They have it all these families, all the money all the power, we are fooled into believing that oligarchy is democracy, drugged by the opiates of hope and by TV screens that as Orwell predicted tell us what to feel and when to feel it. But we can free our minds by an effort of will, of understanding.
We are thinking, feeling human beings, and they have weaknesses, they are scared themselves, and they have no imagination that has been bred out of them, did George W Bush have any choice himself whether to be president or not? Once he was president did he have any choice about what to say, how to act? Does he have empathy for his fellow man? Is he enslaved by a system that tries to enslave humanity?
They are clearly then not the masters of their own destiny, they have weaknesses, and one of them was clearly spoken while Bush was president
“Bush does not like black people”
Why not? Are black people harder to manipulate, more likely to form their own opinions? Is that why black people in the US have been targeted time and again by the powers that be? Maybe they have more soul, keep a tighter hold of their own divinity and can see through a lie more clearly that white people.
There are other clues as well to their weaknesses, they don’t like to be mocked to be the but of jokes, they clearly thrive on hate pain and division, and don’t thrive on laughter and joy and fun, even children are not allowed to create merry hell any more, but are drugged with Ritalin and other psychotropic drugs, we Brits are a lot less reverent than other nations may believe, we take hardly anything seriously, when Diana died there were jokes the next day in the pub, when Londoners were murdered in the tube there were jokes about that too.
Can it be that humour, real humour, laughing out loud, fun and joy of life can also cut through their mind control? I’m not sure but I think so, the energy from joy is much different from the energy from pain. These are proud and arrogant individuals, could they cope with being mocked, laughed at, and jeered at? At least it will make us feel better to have a laugh!
They have other weaknesses to, weaknesses that through their own secrecy have grown to monstrous proportions, that’s what we have to focus on, look at. be aware of. They fall apart under the cameras too; last week in the UK is became illegal to take a picture of a policeman! I feel sure there is a weakness there, maybe the camera will show them for what they really are, show them in a way that our human eyes would never let us believe.
Keep looking, keep listening, the battle hasn’t even begun yet, but when it does we need to know their weaknesses, need to see through the lies and propaganda, need to be armed with love, humour and joy………….
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