The capitalist system is failing and causing untold suffering throughout the world, people are loosing homes, jobs, businesses, futures, but let’s not talk about that, let’s not examine why we are complicit in creating a system that is and always will be unfair and unkind to the majority of people in the world. Let’s not bring down a system that is destroying the very earth on which we walk.
What utter bollocks, words are words and although careless and bitter words may cause problems they will never cause the pain and suffering that a blow, a kick, a bullet or a bomb will do. How fucked up is the world that believes if we all stop swearing good may prevail over evil? Lets sugar coat all our words then, I would if I thought it would change anything at all.
Anglo Saxon English is a rich and beautiful language; the Victorians started all this crap in England, bloody hypocrites that they were, changing the name of Gropecunt lane to Lovers lane and selling young children into prostitution. Goodness knows there is enough reason to swear; every day we see obscenities committed in our names to young and old, rich and poor alike.
We censor our words at our peril, we must talk, write, discuss, if people are impassioned, they might let slip a swear word, so fucking what? Does that word really make them a lesser person? Does that word make their case less valid? I don’t think so. Swearing can cut through the crap, can break tensions and obviously has its functions in society or there wouldn’t be swear words.
Are people good because they don’t swear? Bad because they do? It takes more than that to be good or bad, much more, it takes the courage to act, and more and more people are too complacent to act to stop evil, it’s easy to tell someone not to swear much harder to stand up and tell people to stop bombing the crap out of places, stop hurting people in real physical ways and to begin to change things.
What the fuck are we gonna do about all this bollock?
1 comment:
And of course bollock's is not a swear word
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