Did you know the bees are disappering?......
"Colony Collapse Disorder" they call it......
pollen collected and tested for poisons (insecticides)
found 40 different chemicals......
we're killing the bees......
the best thing that every happened to us......
what are you going to do without pollination?......
no more Lavender Honey.
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang, but a wimper.
The end of the world will come for........"The Hollow Men".
Yes Oberon I wrote about this here
and here
they reckon that there is fours years left because the bees pollinate 98% of our food crops.
Though genetically modified crops do nor require pollination....
I have spent the last year learning how to be a bee keeper as this is one way we can save the bees.
Colony Collapse disorder is caused by the varroa mite, that shortens the life of bees so the colony can suddenly collapse this way.
Bees are building a resistance to the mite and the mite is becoming less harmful.
I love bees, the smell of bees wax and honey when you open a hive and the buzz of the bees........heaven
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