"Major Marcel saw alien bodies. Two witnesses are cited who claim that Marcel briefly mentioned seeing bodies, one a relative and another a tech sergeant who worked with Marcel's intelligence team. Eyewitness accounts of the site from Gerald Anderson provided vivid descriptions of both a downed alien craft and four aliens, of which at least one was alive".
The Big Picture......is this......extraterrestrials are real, advanced life forms from other worlds, and yes they've been visiting our world for some time now........The Disclosure Project.
Some of the first photographs from the early lunar probes revealed unusual and unnatural structures that could only be explained as buildings and bases............Sgt. Karl Wolf.
During the Apollo missions, photographs were taken of the moon from the orbiting Command Modules.........analysis of these photographs reveal extensive evidence of purpose-build constructions in the form of buildings, facilities, and bases........Lunomaly Research Group.
Apollo 14 astronaut, Dr. Edgar Mitchell, confirms what many have long known......that the events at Roswell in 1947 did happen and that we are indeed being visited by beings from other worlds.......Fox News.
The Travis Walton experience is unequivocally the best documented case of alien abduction ever recorded.....they study us, like we study frogs in biology class.......Fire in the Sky.
Secret space based weapon systems can be seen through the telescope of John Lenard Walson.........John Lenard Walson.
Astounding ultraviolet video footage from NASA space missions show an unbelievable view of huge alien spacecraft in the film, "Dan Ackroyd-Unplugged on UFO's"........Trailer.
Conspiracy Theory?....................................it's not a theory.
1 comment:
Great post K.
Looks like I'll be on the Veritas Show this July 15th...
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