Tyre empties huddled rats in the cold comfort they were accustomed.

Beside the sink they kept a plastic bin to collect used tea bags.
Scratchy little ticks ran up and down stubby knees.
The children’s names were mumbles, insignificant little shits
Who gathered around in clumps near the park and the street.
You could get a camel through the fathers intellect.
Beer heavy belly with an encyclopaedic knowledge of soaps.
He lounged in a desperate chair that had died and been re-stuffed.
Whilst his lady wife, a loose term for a careworn child bearer,
Lulled her dried elbows in a water lacking suds.
The curtains hung like suspicion in cobwebbed threads.
Dead flies gathered in a testament to unnecessary house work.
Milk bottles fell where the hen pecked child had spent them.
On dirty floors and under crusty seats and beside the cracked door.
A fug of cigarette smoke suspended like death above their knees.
Outside a rancid rodent of a dog ran barking bitter obscenities.
The wind trembled before blowing past the corroded window frames.
A car sat blind eyed and belligerent in a craze of beer crates.
You could gather starlight in the sordid stains that fled the floor.
Forgotten mail ran riot around the broken post box.
Forgotten meals grew green on pitted porcelain plates.
The threat of random violence collected in dusty adjectives.
Expletive high and pointless with a raised ham fist to frighten.
Sundays travelled like Mondays in a redundant haze.
A growing feeling of age old apathy hung brooding and black.
The distant voices of people didn’t intrude beyond the fence.
Television had killed without malicious intent the need for speech.
Just grunts and nods that escaped dry lips and thin heads.
Life began at somewhere where the money went but not here.
All words by cocaine jesus
What has humanity come to... or, was it ever anything better... what will it take to end the sickness?
"save me jebus!".....homer simpson.
We surely are meant to be the angels on this planet?
There will be peace one day.
Peace and art and music with no need for hate.
.....a star trek world!
.....aren't we a bunch of hopeful optimists.....live free or die!
We can do it, yes we can!... for real...
Wow, a little disclaimer would have been nice.
Graphic, but it punches one in the stomach. Amazing combination of photos and lyrics.
I don't know how we got here, to this place where torture is rampant and death so quick. It is disgusting.
Yes we can do something about it. In fact, it's our duty to do something about it.
Originally this featured on the art blog site, discharge.
I think art should mirror real life. I think that this sadly does.
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