Showing posts with label overpopulation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label overpopulation. Show all posts

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Call your doctor

Call your doctor if

you experience an erection

lasting longer than four hours.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Think about it

......................Globalove Think Tank priorities........................

Overpopulation......get the church behind birth control, provide it for free.....and reduce abortions.

Environment......we are poisoning, wind, and water.

Education.....ignorance is our original sin.

Energy......the sun gives us everything......heat, light, wind and life.

Food......look at all the warehouses and tell me why even one should starve. too costly because like education it's a costly investment and should be a non-profit endeavor. a money machine that will eat you alive.....if you let it.

Industry......should be divided into: profit for luxuries.......non-profit for necessities. can't legislate morality......teach the golden rule.

Religion......freedom means the freedom to believe what you want.

Government......should be the "good" big brother......not the "bad" big brother.

Let me know if I've forgotten one......and I'll add it.