Flamboyant bouquet thrills
In color bursts and sunshine
Leaning into the sky
Dancing in tune with the breeze
Petal shedding with cool moon change
In unison, bouquet sighs
Rain splish-splash drip-drops
Swirls, twirls, and slides down from the sky
Pools in puddles and slimes into mud
Rivets of rivers run down the hillside
A mountain of droplets unleashed all at once
Together they depart; together they shone
A flock of birds flies in overhead
Bunches of ants all scrounging for food
Lions, gazelles, and antelope herd
And sparrows each year convene all at once
Learning and hunting, storytelling for all
Community structured love orientation
Human boy sits alone in his yard
Plucks grass blades in batches of fives
Interprets clouds as they each pass him by
Sighs ever so sadly, and all to himself
Pours concrete resolve into heartfelt foundation
Depending on no one for fun’s exaltation
He grew older while he stood there all alone
Surrounded by ones all arranged into twos
Boy built a big house on foundation he started
Filled it with things and then called it a home
Interprets himself in shiny glass mirror
Feels saddened, alone, and afraid of the dark
At some point, we lost it:
This lesson of life - the reason for life
Broken hearted and blinded and dying from pain
Outreaching is hollow, a hug is the same
Unlike all the flowers and creatures and stars
We’ve forgotten how to let “ours” simply be ours.